Developing an IP & creating value together with a passionate community is the foundation of nearly every successful Web3 project.

Integrating NFTs core to the brand from the beginning allows teams like Crazy Crows (a game & puzzle-themed utility NFT project) to connect with and grow their audiences directly, without relying on a single platform or service. They are able to exclusively target benefits to members of their community via one-of-a-kind digital collectibles, compatible across any number of Web3 platforms.

In this case, Crazy Crows is using OnCyber, an immersive, Web3-integrated, browser-based 3d metaverse platform. Experience it for yourself here!

Together with Frentity Studios, the team added yet another way for the further expand the community & the brand. Each 3d space is an NFT minted on the Ethereum network, meaning each NFT is fully owned and customizable by each individual owner – an all new way for users to feel empowered & connected!

Partners: Crazy Crows Chess Club
Platforms: OnCyber
Services: 3d Production, Creative Direction, Project Management
Status: Completed (2023)
